Attitudinal Healing
OASIS Institute has three facilitated peer support groups that use the Attitudinal Healing model. Each group meets weekly for two hours. These are closed groups and the number of members is limited. One may become a member by contacting the Executive Director. No fee is charged.
Sunday - 11:00 AM Format is a combination of lecture and spiritual service - open group. References come from Course publications, attitudinal healing publications and a diverse selection of inspirational writings. Discussion is led by Stephen Anthony and Bob Childers. Love offering. This meeting will be recorded by a web cam and broadcast live to a You Tube web site The videos will be saved for future viewing.
Wednesday - 7:15 PM - Open study and discussion group. Love offering.
Meditation Group
Sunday - 4:00 PM - A new meditation group has begun meeting at OASIS Institute each Sunday afternoon from 4 - 5:30 PM. The group is led by Dr. Bob Eklund MD. There will be silent meditation and Kirtan. For more information contact Dr. Eklund at 865-776-3822 or Meet Up link
Way of mastery
The Way of Mastery is another step enabling the Presence of Love within to awaken us to our true identity. Call Bruno 865-309-7050 for information, and for meeting date. Sample lessons
just be cause
Second Thursdays - 6:30 PM - Just Be Cause is a newly formed group created to guide and help others through the sharing of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and concepts.
Your well being and growth is the CAUSE.
We trust you will receive what "you" need from our gifted & knowledgeable presenters.
Our gatherings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, at OASIS Institute. Hope you will join us on this ever growing journey. A Love Donation is greatly appreciated.
Next meeting - December 13, 2018, 6:30 PM. Topic: Embodying the Healer Archetype Presenter: Barbara Rose
For more information, please contact Linda Purifoy 865-579-6522 or Rose Koziara 440-463-1591.
angels and guides workshop
presented by Rev. Wendy west, intuitive guide
The workshop is a hands-on approach to introduce each participant to their spiritual support system on the Other Side. Your Guides are available to make your life easier and they want to communicate with you as much as you want to hear from them!
Once connected to your angelic guides, life unfolds with humor and grace that is truly exciting and FUN!
Meetings will be on 4 Saturdays, beginning March 16, 2019, ending April 6,2019, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM, OASIS Institute, 4918 Homberg Dr., Knoxville 37919. Cost $222.
For More Information and Preregistration, call or text Rev. Wendy West 386-478-8774.